Discussion Groups

Group 1

Our Discussion Group operates on an “Open Forum” basis enabling members to engage in discussions with their peers about any subjects of their choosing. Each attendee brings a topic for discussion, so we are able to cover a number of subjects in a two-hour session. The meetings are very informal, with everyone able to speak and give their opinion on each subject.

Group Leader

Peter Woodrow:  01844 292012, 0788 7822261  woodrow333@btinternet.com


The group meets on the fourth Monday morning of each month from 10.00 am to 12.00 noon in the Rosary Room of the Church of the Good Shepherd, 45 The Croft, Haddenham.  


The Church has asked for a donation to cover expenses.

Group 2

Our meetings are very informal, with everyone able to speak or introduce a subject if they wish.

Group Leader

Udo Paul:  01844 290682,  udo@4metal.co.uk


The group meets on the first Monday of each month from 2.00 to 4.00pm.  Members of the group take turns to hold the meetings in their homes.


There may be a small fee to cover costs.