Local u3a Networks


CHaTTR is a loose grouping of local u3as – Chinnor, Haddenham, Thame and District, Greater Thame and Ridgeway. The Chairs of these u3as hold regular meetings to share best practice, and CHaTTR occasionally organises Study Days.

Some Interest Groups are ‘shared’ between these u3as:Computing run by Chinnor for members of all CHaTTR u3as
Digital Photography run by Greater Thame
Earth Matters run jointly by Haddenham and Greater Thame

Note that members of Haddenham u3a may also attend Interest Groups of any of the other u3as, as long as there are spaces. Members should approach the Leader of the Group in which they are interested.

Chinnor: u3asites.org/chinnor
Thame and District: https://u3asites.org.uk/thame
Greater Thame: https://u3asites.org.uk/greater-thame
Ridgeway: https://u3asites.org.uk/ridgeway

Bucks Liaison Group

Haddenham u3a also belongs to the Bucks Liaison Group. This is also a loose grouping of local u3as – Aston Clinton, Aylesbury Vale, Mid Bucks (Aylesbury), Princes Risborough, Tring, Wendover and Weston Turville.

Members of Haddenham u3a may attend Interest Groups of any of these u3as, as long as there are spaces. Members should approach the Leader of the Group in which they are interested.

Aston Clinton: www.u3asites.org.uk/aston-clinton
Aylesbury Vale: www.avu3a.org.uk
Mid Bucks: www.u3a.co
Princes Risborough: www.risboroughu3a.org.uk
Tring: www.u3asites.org.uk/tring
Wendover: www.u3asites.org.uk/wendover
Weston Turville: www.wtu3a.org.uk

Thames Valley u3a Network (TVN)

The Thames Valley u3a Network is an umbrella organisation for 44 u3a groups in Buckinghamshire, Berkshire and Oxfordshire.

The Objects of Thames Valley u3a Network are to advance the education of members of u3as in the network.

It organises and runs study days, conferences, lectures, seminars, courses;

It participates in and assists in the development of neighbourhood and networked groupings of u3as.

Further information about the Thames Valley Network, its annual programme, events and publications can be found on its website at  www.u3atvnetwork.org.uk

Forthcoming Events

Wednesday 10th July – They also served

A talk on Women in Britain’s Armed Forces during WWII at 10.30am on Zoom

In this talk, historian Richard Marks examines how women contributed to Britain’s armed forces during World War Two. He explores the roles and responsibilities of women in the Royal Air Force, Royal Navy and the Army, as well as the medical services associated with them. He also reveals how women from different parts of the world participated in Britain’s military efforts. He addresses questions such as: What kinds of jobs did women perform in the armed forces and why were they vital? Did women face combat situations and if so, where and how?

Cost: £2.00     Book with Ticketsource           Closing Date: 8th July


Monday 22nd July – Women Artists of the Ashmolean Museum

We are pleased to welcome back Jude Barrett from the Ashmolean Museum. This time she will be choosing and discussing paintings by women artists whose works are exhibited there.

Cost: £2.00     Book with Ticketsource           Closing Date: 19th July


South East Region

The South East Region covers Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Hampshire, Kent, Oxfordshire, Surrey and Sussex. It is the largest u3a Region and includes approximately 180 u3as.

The SE Region Forum runs Summer Schools each year in Chichester.

If you sign up for a National newsletter you will be asked which region your u3a belongs to.

Forthcoming Events