French Conversation

This group started in 2011 with the aim of enabling members to practise and improve their spoken French in a friendly environment. It is positioned as ‘intermediate’ level, meaning that we assume a reasonable basic knowledge, though this may have been learnt many years ago. Most participants have something approaching ‘A’ level in French from school; very few have more than that and some have less but have sought to use French in the meantime.

We do all need help, and therefore have a native French teacher, who guides, encourages and corrects us as necessary and also provides or suggests materials for discussion. Some topics are pre-arranged, enabling preparation of thoughts and vocabulary. The aim is, however, to stimulate conversation.

Many participants have been with us from the start and we all enjoy each other’s company, even when expressing opposing opinions on controversial subjects. But we also welcome and encourage new members and are friendly and forgiving of each other’s mistakes and hesitation. Most importantly, we find that we gain enormously in confidence, simply by using the language in a ‘safe’ environment.

Group Leader

Rosanne Ward on 01844 291025 or


The group usually meets in the Rosary Room of the Catholic Church in Haddenham on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of the month from 13.00pm to 15.00pm. There are three 12 week terms. There is a fee to cover room expenses.


We have a paid teacher, so we make a charge of £35 for a term of six 2-hour sessions. (This may vary depending on membership numbers; we try to maintain a maximum of 12 people).