Technical Group

The Technical Group organises outings and talks to appeal to those U3A members who are interested in how, or why, things work. Group members are encouraged to suggest suitable events to include in the programme and to take turns in organising them. We aim to hold one event each month.We would be delighted to hear from you if you have an interest or area of expertise which could contribute to the Group’s learning, or if you have any further ideas for possible trips.Events are opened to the wider U3A membership when space permits.

Group Leader

New members are welcome. If you wish to join us, please contact Kevin Nash on 07519 509370 or


Any costs are announced on an event by event basis.

Payments may be made by cheque payable to Haddenham U3A and have the name of the event written on the back. These can be sent to the Group Leader, but we prefer payment by internet or telephone banking to the credit of Haddenham U3A at CAF Bank; sort code 40-52-40, account no. 00021011. As soon as you have used one of these methods, please email or ring the Treasurer ( or 01844 292393) and the Group Leader to confirm that your payment has been sent.